Interactive Grid
A parameterized grid component with a variety of patterns and visual effects
December 2, 2023
I made this interactive grid because I wanted to learn how to implement various grid patterns and practice my frontend skills.
Recently I came across a landing page by Emil Kowalski. The hero section has subtle gridlines that gradually fade out.
I love how a grid pattern conveys a sense of technical precision and engineering. Whenever I see one I’m alway curious to know how it was implemented.
There are many variations. You can do a square grid, a dot grid, or a double grid (also called "engineering paper"). You even can create guidelines that align to content on the page.
I made this interactive grid because it felt like a good way to learn how to create grid patterns and also to practice my frontend skills, especially what I’ve learned about state and controlled inputs in React.
I was also inspired by Josh Comeau who writes interactive blog posts and makes tools like this CSS Shadow Palette Generator. I also learned React mostly from Josh’s course, The Joy of React, which I highly recommend.
Repeating Shapes
To create a grid pattern you draw a shape in a small bit of space.
Then you repeat it across the width and height of an element.
L shapes create a square grid and circles create a dot grid.
How To Repeat Shapes
It turns out there are at least three ways to repeat a shape.
- Background Image
- CSS Grid
- SVG Patterns
I’m using SVG patterns to create the grid patterns for this interactive grid.
If you’re curious to know how each approach works, I explain them in more detail in the sections below.
Using a background image
In CSS, if you set a background-image
on an element, the image will be repeated so it covers the entire element, giving a tiling effect. [source]
By setting the background-size
property, you can define the size of the image or tile that will be repeated. The smaller the tile, the denser the grid will be.
Instead of an image url, you can use the linear-gradient()
function to create a line or the radial-gradient()
function to create a small circle.
Linear and radial gradients are special kind of images that consist of "a progressive transition between two or more colors."
The trick for creating a line or a dot is to make the outer color transparent and then place the color stops next to each other to create a sharp edge where one color transitions to the next color.
Similarly, using radial gradient, you can create a circle with a sharp edge by making the outer color transparent and then placing the color stops next to each other.
Using CSS grid
Let’s say you want to make a square grid, first create a grid of --num-rows
and --num-columns
where each square in the grid is --cell-size
wide and tall.
Then place empty divs on the grid and apply a right and bottom border to create a backwards L shape.
One challenge with this approach is you need NxN empty divs to apply the border to. If the number of columns or rows changes, then number of empty divs has to change too.
Another challenge is that the --cell-size
has to divide evenly into the width and height of the grid. Otherwise, the grid will be misaligned.
So as the grid shrinks and grows with the viewport, it will break unless you dynamically update the number of rows and columns and the cell size, using a combination of media queries and css custom properties.
The benefit of this approach is the precision and flexibility it gives you. You can mix dense gridlines with widely spaced gridlines and you can create cutouts in the grid. Also, you can actaully align content with the lines, since you can define the same grid for both the content and the gridlines.
Examples of where this appraoch is used are and
Using SVG patterns
This approach is similar to background images, except the parent container is an SVG <rect>
element and the bit of space that gets repeated is a <pattern>
Here’s how it works:
SVG has a <defs>
element that can contain reusable definitions. One of the things you can define is a <pattern>
element. Then you can reference the <pattern>
element by passing its id
attribute to the fill
attribute on an the <rect>
Notice that <pattern>
has a width
and height
attribute that define the size of the shape you want to repeat. This is similar to the background-size
property in that it determines the density of the grid.
Another important attribute on the <pattern>
element is patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
. This ensures that the width and height of the pattern won’t scale up or down as size of the parent container changes. In the code above, the width and height of the pattern will be 10px x 10px, no matter how big or small the parent container is.
Inside the <pattern>
element, you draw a shape using SVG shape elements:
element to create a line or a backwards L shape.<circle>
element to create a dot.<path>
element to create a square or any other shape you can imagine.- Other shapes you can use are
and more. - You can even nest a
element inside another<pattern>
If you’re interested in learning more about drawing shapes using SVG path commands, Nanda Syahrasyad wrote an amazing interactive guide, A Deep Dive Into SVG Path Commands. To learn about SVG more generally, W3Schools has a comprehensive tutorial.
Layering Patterns
Below is a simplified version of the component that renders the grid patterns.
I’m layering patterns so that each one can be toggled on and off to create different pattern combinations.
Each layer is a component that renders a <rect>
element that’s filled by a <pattern>
For example, below is the component for the vertical gridlines. The pattern’s id = vertical-line
is passed to the fill
attribute on the <rect>
element. The pattern that’s defined is vertical line, drawn using the <line>
Layering Visual Effects
The grid pattern on Emil’s landing page also has subtle visual effects that elevate the design.
- The grid fades out from the top toward the edges.
- There’s a subtle glow effect shining down on the grid.
- A few of the grid cells are filled in with a solid color.
I recreated these effects in my interactive grid to learn how they were implemented.
Continuing with the layered approach, this is how I’m rendering the effects:
To achieve a fade effect, the grid and the other visual effects are wrapped
in a div where the mask-image
property is set to a radial gradient.
The way mask-image
works by default is that opaque areas of the mask image will reveal the content underneate it, and transparent areas of the mask image will hide the content underneath it.
In this case the mask-image
is a radial gradient that starts as solid white and gradually transitions to transparent. A spotlight shape is created because the center of the gradient is positioned at the top center
of the grid and overflow is hidden.
The glow effect is another radial gradient. Like with the mask image, the center of the gradient is at the top center
of the grid, creating a spotlight shape that appears to shine down on the grid.
An interesting difference here is that the div containing the gradient is being centered at the top center of the grid, rather than the gradient itself being positioned.
The div is positioned using a combination of top: 0
, left: 50%
, and transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
. With this combination of properties, the div can be any width or height and it will always be centered at the top center
of the grid.
One implication of doing it this way is that the width and height of the div can be used to control the size of the glow effect.
Another way to impliment this would be to have the <Glow />
layer fill the width and height of the grid, and then use positioning within the radial gradient function to control the width and height of the glow. This is how it’s done with the fade effect.
You’ll notice that some of the grid cells appear to be filled in with a solid color. These filled in cells are what I’m calling "decorations" and they’re just another layer on the grid.
The component that renders the decorations layer can render either squares...
...or circles.
To draw the decorations, I’m mapping through an array of coordinates and rendering a <path>
element for the squares or <circle>
elements for the circles.
Here’s simplified version of what that looks like for the squares. Each coordinate is used to populate commands (M
, h
, v
, Z
) in the <d>
attribute of the <path>
element. It’s these commands that draw the squares at different locations on the grid.
If you’re interested in learning more about drawing shapes using SVG path commands, Nanda Syahrasyad wrote an amazing interactive guide, A Deep Dive Into SVG Path Commands.
Parameterizing Values
What I mean by parameterizing is creating variables for certain properties of the grid so they can be dynamically adjusted.
It’s been fun to play with the parameters and see what combinations can be created. It also helped me better understand the css properties that create these patterns and effects.
The parameters are passed in as props and then used to set css custom properties on the root element of the component.
Controlled Inputs
To make the parameters adjustable, I created inputs that are controlled using React state.
For example, here’s simplified version of the code demonstrating how I used a <Slider />
component (i.e. an <input>
of type="range"
) to control the cell size of the grid.
I made three types of inputs:
<Switch />
<Slider />
Light and Dark Mode
If you toggle between light and dark mode, the colors of the grid and inputs change.
That’s because the grid background, fill and stroke colors are set to global color variables that have both light and dark definitions. Same with the colors used to style the inputs.
Invisible and Important
One final thing I want to mention has to do with accessibility.
Because the grid is purely decorative, it’s important to hide it from screen readers so it doesn’t get read out loud.
To achieve this, I added the aria-hidden
attribute to the root element of the <GridPattern />
component. Since aria-hidden
is inherited by all child elements, the grid pattens and visual effects will be hidden from screen readers as well.
Using Unique Pattern IDs
Update: After I published this post, I noticed a bug on Chrome where the grid in the hero looked and worked as expected, but the rest of grids throught this blog post looked broken.
Playing around in the dev tools, if I changed the id
attribute on the <pattern>
element, the grid would render correctly.
A lightbulb went off. I realized that because I use the same component to render each grid pattern, the id
attribute was being repeated. Chrome was probably getting confused because it was trying to render multiple elements with the same id
. Surprisingly this wasn't an issue in Safari.
To fix this, I used React's useId
hook to create a unique id for each layer.